Welcome to Millennium online, over 500,000 items available
Welcome guest
The login area (right) gives demontration access to our online ordering facility.
Millennium online enables millenniumgroup account holders to purchase from a range of over 500,000 items, with the ease of using a mobile phone, laptop or PC.
You can apply for a credit account with the following link
As a non-account holder please log in as a guest using the details below. Live stock levels and list prices can be viewed with the demonstration login details but contact us directly with your enquiry/order requirements
Guest user name (note capitals, M & D) = MillenniumDemo
Password = kramp123
Please contact us if you have any questions or if you would like assistance
Enter your details in the PDF document and email it back to sales@millenniumgroup.co.uk
Once your registration has been accepted & you have receive a confirmation email you will be free to access and purchase directly from online range.